Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still not on the list ...


But talking with the helpdesk people now, so maybe soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

ASCE Golden Gate June Meeting

100601_Region_9So, I decided to join up, paid my dues to the ASCE, and trooped along to my first social do. Very interesting speakers, good food, and an opportunity for me to introduce myself as a potential employee.

I'm glad I went, it was fun

Next time I go I'll have job or be much more forceful in introducing myself to everybody.

Civil 3D 2010 Certified Professional


Never really had any great apprehension that I wouldn't pass, but it's done and I'm semi-frustrated at missing two questions on points and surfaces which is arguably my best subject.

Anyhoo, San Francisco now has one Civil 3D 2010 Certified Professional, and its me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Region 9


So I receive an invitation to join the American Society of Engineers ASCE for only $153.75, good thru 2011, and I've a decision to make.

Obviously, since I'm not employed, I do not the have money to spend like I should have had a year ago, but it is still a good offer anf theoretically gives me access to other engineering opportunities. But I'm still not sold on if the cost exceeds the benefit at this time as the majority of advantages to being a member appear to consist of discounted and subsidized additional training, and that is training I cannot really afford even at the discounted rates.

The most tangible benefit for my right now, would be the opportunity to meet and greet other engineers in order to have my name more widespread in order to attract more potential employers. But again, the number of such events on the calendar in my northern California area appears to be zero, so little enticement there. I'm still scouring the various web calendars for suitable and\or interesting events.

The second major advantage to being a member is free access to its online engineering library, but even that is little more than background reading if I'm not employed and unable to put any of my acquired knowledge to good use. I'll keep looking.

Maybe just having ASCE on my business card is good enough.