Saturday, July 31, 2010

Maybe Next Year

I decided to skip the ASCE San Jose annual event this year. I'm pretty sure it might have been an opportunity to meet and greet a few interesting (and useful) people, but I'm thinking I might seem a bit mercenary during the chapter's main social do. Plus, I'm not really the wine tasting sort of guy.

One more go

I'm looking to have another go at the Civil 3D Associates License, probably Monday afternoon. I'm not entirely sold on the practical advantage of the certification, principally because I doubt it has that much broad or noticeable presence. But hey, it may be a small and insignificant certification, but at least I'll be king of it.

So here goes another $75.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Not quite the right candidate ...



Didn't manage to land the Kleinfelder gig, never mind, shame but press onwards.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

so ... it turns out ...


That in order to get on the list of Certified Professionals you have to pass both the associate and professional exam, well who knew. Conversely, if you pass the associates exam you immediately get onto the list of Certified Associates. Damn.

Well, then I clearly need to take the associates exam and then I'm going to be listed, that seems straightforward.

I sit down to take the associates exam, requiring 22/30 for a pass, shouldn't be too difficult. I'm going through the questions, some involve a bit of hard thinking and some memory skills, especially regarding dialogs and such like. I finish up and nervously click the end button, wah, 21/30 and a fail. Double Damn.

So I click the close button, the test disappears and the interface for the piece of software for which I'm being tested is sitting staring back at me. Essentially, I've just sat an open-book exam without opening the book and failed by the narrowest of margins. Triple Damn.