Thursday, September 30, 2010

RedVector - Construction Claims (Delays)

101123_redvectorConstruction Claims
  • Understand the different types of delays, including concurrent delays
  • Understand the use of Critical Path Method (CPM) Schedules in proving delays
  • Know how to determine delay using four different schedule methodologies
  • Know what damages resulting from delay may be recovered and how to calculate those damages
  • Understand how courts and boards actually determine delay claims
  1. Introduction
  2. Types of Delay
  3. Prejudicial Delays
  4. Concurrent Delay
  5. Apportionment of Delay
  6. Delay Analysis
  7. Critical Path Method Overview
  8. Critical Path Activities
  9. Float Ownership
  10. Right to Finish Early
  11. Delay Evaluation Methods
  12. Delay Damages
  13. Lost Productivity Costs
  14. Measured Mile
  15. Equipment Costs
  16. Escalation Costs
  17. Lost Profits
  18. Field and Home Office Overhead Costs
  19. Nonrecoverable Delay Damages
  20. Conclusion
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 23

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


101123_redvectorAsphalt Design
Superpave - Aggregates and Mixtures
  • Have completed an example design meeting Superpave requirements
  • Understand how various aggregate stockpiles can be blended to meet the aggregate requirements of Superpave
  • Understand the various testing processes that are required to complete a Superpave mix design
  1. Introduction
  2. Superpave Mix Design
  3. Aggregate Selection
  4. Coarse Aggregate Angularity
  5. Fine Aggregate Angularity
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Highway DesignLesson Pages: 24

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A+C10: Los Angeles REDCAR Colloquium

A+C10: Los Angeles REDCAR Colloquium
Rethinking Transportation: A Strategy for Integrating the System with the Person

Event Details

This colloquium will discuss the impact of emerging digital and self-aware technologies on personal and transportation choices and our interaction with the public realm. It will specifically look at notions of emergent nodes in the urban fabric where development naturally emerges in response to socially active “hot-spots” triggered by the dynamics in physical space, transportation capacity, and the swing of social network demands. Featuring experts from academic institutions, the colloquium will present new technologies, problem solving methods, and innovative solutions for transportation infrastructure as well as distributed modes of transport that synthesizes personal communications, emergent nodes, autonomous social spaces, and the notion of a self-aware urban space to create a different way of thinking about how transportation systems can overlay and connect to existing systems present in the reality of a poly-centric metropolitan area such as the San Francisco Bay Area.

RedVector - Construction Claims (Acceleration)

101123_redvectorConstruction Claims
  • Understand the two types of acceleration—directed and constructive
  • Know what the criteria are for pursuing or perfecting an acceleration claim
  • Know how CPM Schedules can be used in analyzing acceleration claims
  • Know the types of costs that may be recovered—direct and impact
  • Understand how courts and boards determine the merit of an acceleration claim
  1. Introduction
  2. Acceleration
  3. Types of Acceleration
  4. Directed Acceleration
  5. Constructive Acceleration
  6. CPM Schedules in the Analysis of Acceleration Claims
  7. Documentary Proof
  8. Acceleration Costs
  9. Direct Costs
  10. Impact Costs
  11. Conclusion
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 11

Friday, September 24, 2010

RedVector - Construction Claims (Changed Work)

101123_redvectorConstruction Claims
Changed Work
  • Recognize the different types of changes to the work
  • Understand changed conditions
  • Be able to identify types of change-related impacts in cumulative impact
  • Understand how to address changes to the work
  • Know when damages can be recovered
  • Understand how courts and boards determine changed work claims
  1. Introduction
  2. Authority to Issue and Approve Change Orders
  3. Types of Changes in Work
  4. Directed Change
  5. Unilateral Change
  6. Constructive Change
  7. Cardinal Change
  8. Patent Ambiguity
  9. Changed Conditions
  10. Cumulative Impact
  11. Identifying Types of Change-Related Impacts
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 22

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

RedVector - Asphalt Design (Superpave)

101123_redvectorAsphalt Design
Superpave - Aggregates and Mixtures
  • Describe the Superpave aggregate test procedures
  • Explain the Superpave aggregate specification requirements and how they are used in preventing permanent deformation and fatigue cracking
  • Discuss the Superpave aggregate gradation evaluation procedure
  • Describe the Superpave Gyratory Compactor
  • Review the Superpave mixture criteria, including mixture compaction requirements and mixture volumetric criteria
  • Describe the moisture sensitivity test and criteria
  1. Introduction
  2. Aggregate Tests and Specifications
  3. Superpave Mixtures
  4. Asphalt Mixture Tests
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Highway DesignLesson Pages: 22