Friday, September 24, 2010

RedVector - Construction Claims (Changed Work)

101123_redvectorConstruction Claims
Changed Work
  • Recognize the different types of changes to the work
  • Understand changed conditions
  • Be able to identify types of change-related impacts in cumulative impact
  • Understand how to address changes to the work
  • Know when damages can be recovered
  • Understand how courts and boards determine changed work claims
  1. Introduction
  2. Authority to Issue and Approve Change Orders
  3. Types of Changes in Work
  4. Directed Change
  5. Unilateral Change
  6. Constructive Change
  7. Cardinal Change
  8. Patent Ambiguity
  9. Changed Conditions
  10. Cumulative Impact
  11. Identifying Types of Change-Related Impacts
Hello ... Reminder to Copy in Details
Project ManagementLesson Pages: 22

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