Saturday, September 25, 2010

RedVector - Construction Claims (Acceleration)

101123_redvectorConstruction Claims
  • Understand the two types of acceleration—directed and constructive
  • Know what the criteria are for pursuing or perfecting an acceleration claim
  • Know how CPM Schedules can be used in analyzing acceleration claims
  • Know the types of costs that may be recovered—direct and impact
  • Understand how courts and boards determine the merit of an acceleration claim
  1. Introduction
  2. Acceleration
  3. Types of Acceleration
  4. Directed Acceleration
  5. Constructive Acceleration
  6. CPM Schedules in the Analysis of Acceleration Claims
  7. Documentary Proof
  8. Acceleration Costs
  9. Direct Costs
  10. Impact Costs
  11. Conclusion
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 11

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