Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Central Market Meeting



Wednesday - June 8, 2011
6-7:30 p.m.
1355 Market Street (SF Market Square)

The Central Market Partnership meeting agenda will include a presentation and discussion of research findings from the first phase of the Central Market Economic Strategy project, including:

-Existing conditions in the neighborhood
-Demographic Analysis
-Real Estate & Housing
-Merchant and Person-on-the-Street surveys
-Case studies of other arts districts around the country & more...

This research will feed into the second phase of work which entails a series of key stakeholder interviews, focus groups, resident surveys, and community meetings to build consensus around a set of strategies for building on and sustaining an arts district in Central Market while creating a more stable, healthy and vibrant commercial district that serves the adjoining neighborhoods with increased retail, services, recreation, and jobs. Presenters will include consultants from AECOM and Deborah Frieden, an expert on planning arts districts and arts facilities.

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