Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Learning about Old Stuff

Day 047

Roman Architecture Lecture

Trajan's Column
Roman Architecture (at Academic Earth) Go to Lecture
  1. Introduction to Roman Architecture
  2. The Founding of Rome and the Beginnings of Urbanism in Italy
  3. Technology and Revolution in Roman Architecture
  4. Civic, Commercial and Religious Buildings of Pompeii
  5. Houses and Villas of Pompeii
  6. Habitats at Herculaneum and Early Roman Interior Decoration
  7. Painting Palaces and Villas in the First Century A.D.
  8. Exploring Special Subjects on Pompeian Walls
  9. Augustus Assembles Rome
  10. Roman Tombs
  11. Nero and His Architectural Legacy
  12. The Colosseum and Contemporary Architecture in Rome
  13. Imperial Palace on the Palatine Hill
  14. Civic Architecture in Rome under Trajan
  15. Hadrian's Pantheon and Tivoli Retreat
  16. Roman Life in Ostia, the Port of Rome
  17. The Baths of Caracalla
  18. Roman North Africa: Timgad and Leptis Magna
  19. Baroque Phenomenon in Roman Architecture
  20. The Rebirth of Athens
  21. Architecture of the Western Roman Empire
  22. The Tetrarchic Renaissance
  23. Rome of Constantine and a New Rome
  24. Discovering the Roman Provinces and Designing a Roman City

Not really work but you cannot live on current engineering alone. 28 hours of lectures on Roman Urbanism, great great stuff. Gotta love Academic Earth.

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