Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is why we can't have nice things

Day 033

Security Fence around Park 01Security Fence around Park 02
Security Fence around Park 03Security Fence around Park 04
Work was slated to start on the playground rehab, and as promised the construction fencing went up.
Well that security fence lasted exactly 1 day

It seems I should have called somebody or at least shouted at the two women about to negotiate the twisted fence, ok, maybe the toddlers being pushed were more my size.

SFist with the story


So, Missionites and fans of Dolores Park may have already noticed the ugly fencing that went up around the playground and central meadow of Dolores Park earlier this week, marking the first stage of the park's renovation -- which has now been phased so that the entire park did not have to be shut down at once.

They totally cut a hole in the fence within like 24 hours (not visible, at right), and then just went ahead and mowed down a section of the fence so they could get back in!

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