An observation, but probably a criticism also.
I'm looking at a news report in the Chronicle on Commissioner Paula Daniels proposals for legislation to force builders to mitigate stormwater run-off; the report looks like this.
Los Angeles may try to rein in storm runoff by having builders capture it.
More Bay Area News
A proposal making its way through committee would require new homes, larger developments and some redevelopment projects to collect and reuse rainwater or build systems to filter it.
Commissioner Paula Daniels — who authored the proposal — says it would prevent 104 million gallons of polluted storm runoff from reaching the sea. She hopes it will be approved this year and take effect in 2011.
Builders would have to deal with all the runoff from a storm that drops three-quarters of an inch of rain or pay a mitigation fee of $13 a gallon.
The ordinance has won approval from the Department of Public Works.
And that is all the news that's easily accessible. Every one of the dozens of news reports into this story is simply a recycled version of the Associated Press' content, with slightly different font and formatting.
Are there no journalists any more? Does the profession of journalism consist simply of ctrl-c and ctrl-v?
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