The TimeLiner tool adds 4D schedule simulation to Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010. TimeLiner imports schedules from a variety of sources, allows you to connect objects in the model with tasks in the schedule and simulate the schedule showing the effects on the model, including planned against actual schedules. TimeLiner also allows the export of images and animations based on the results of the simulation. TimeLiner will automatically update the simulation if the model or schedule changes.
An I guess that is what it does, even though its a fiddly process with a number of steps most of which cannot be readily automated. But even saying this, timeliner really is a useful and helpful tool.
I can actually see where this would be very beneficial in tying together design components from a number of separate disciplines and checking interactions for potential construction issues, however, I'm not sure I'd want to be in charge creating and checking the schedule\model links. Hitting the play button and watching your project evolve time-lapsed as task after task go from translucent green to approximated finish surface is pretty cool, error trapping less so.
But hey, if you can get the civil guys to link their tasks, then get the drainage guys to link their tasks, then get the architecture guys, then landscaping, then presto, a fairly practical method of communicating internally or externally the progress of the works is born.
Not perfect but more fun that sitting with a giant gantt chart and reams of paper plans and phasing plans.
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