Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nice Write Up ... Comments Meh

Hoover Dam Bypass
Hoover Dam bypass bridge rises under a shadow
Measuring up to Hoover Dam presents a challenge
The Hoover Dam bypass bridge looks spectacular, stretching 1,900 feet across Black Canyon and 900 feet above the churning Colorado River. Tourists visiting the world-famous Hoover Dam can't help but swing around and snap photos of the new span high above.

Dave Zanetell, the project manager of the bridge, recognized that early on.

"We are in the shadow of Hoover Dam," he said. "We are not only building a very tough civil works project, but we're doing it in the shadow of the greatest civil engineering project ever created. It creates a heavy standard of responsibility."

jr62 wrote on October 11, 2010

Alfred E. Neuman wrote on October 10, 2010
Did Harry Reid twist any arms to open the bridge to traffic a few weeks before the election instead of the scheduled November opening to traffic?

Richard.Stain wrote on October 10, 2010
How many illegal Mexicans did it take to build the dam? NONE How many illegal Mexicans did it take to build the bridge? NONE, and why can't we keep it that way with every job in this country?

Jack.Webb wrote on October 10, 2010

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