Sunday, October 3, 2010

RedVector - Better Roadway Design (Curvature & Passing Zones)

101123_redvectorBetter Roadway Design
Curvature & Passing Zones
  • What types of pavement markings will reduce accident rates on horizontal curves
  • The safety of crest vertical curves with limited sight distance
  • The basis for the minimum standards for Passing Zones of existing standards and why they may not be adequate
  1. Introduction
  2. A. Pavement Markings and Delineation on Horizontal Curves
  3. B. Pavement Width on Horizontal Curves Conclusion
  4. C. Crest Vertical Curve Length and Advance Signing for Sight- Restricted Locations
  5. D. Passing Zone Length, Passing Sight Distance, and Passing/Overtaking Lanes on Two-Lane Highways
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Highway DesignLesson Pages: 17

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