Sunday, October 17, 2010

RedVector - Construction Arbitration (Overview)

101123_redvectorConstruction Arbitration
  • Understand the difference between arbitration and litigation in court
  • Understand what occurs in the pre-hearing and hearing stage of arbitration
  • Be familiar with the types of evidence and witnesses
  • Understand how an arbitrator issues an award
  1. Introduction
  2. Arbitration
  3. Ex Parte Contact
  4. Why Parties Choose to Arbitrate
  5. The Arbitration Agreement
  6. Arbitrators Have Construction Expertise
  7. Arbitration Panels - Using More than One Arbitrator
  8. The Arbitrator's Inquiry
  9. The Arbitrator's Disclosure
  10. A Brief Summary of the Arbitration Process
  11. Counterclaims
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 14

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