Thursday, October 7, 2010

RedVector - Construction Contract Law (Fundamental)

101123_redvectorConstruction Contract Law
  • Be familiar with the basic principles of contract law.
  • Understand the essential legal elements of a contract and what is needed for contract implementation, modification and change
  • Understand litigation theories that are argued between various parties to a
    construction project and how the contract terms and conditions are interpreted and applied in litigation.
  • Have a greater appreciation of the rights and responsibilities of the parties to the various contracts on a construction project.
  1. IV. Basic Rules Pertaining to Contract Formation
  2. V. Analysis of Contract language
  3. VI. Types of Contracts
  4. VII. Performance Under the Contract
  5. VIII. Contract Modifications – Change Orders
  6. IX. Breach of Contract
  7. X. Construction Contract Clauses
  8. XII. How Contract Jargon Complicates Construction: The same Processes are Often Described Differently
  9. XIII. Professional Services Contracts Clauses
  10. Conclusion
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Project ManagementLesson Pages: 25

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