Wednesday, March 31, 2010


  1. StormProject Options (19:35)
  2. Defining TR-55 Time Concentration Method Other TOC Methods (31:25)
  3. Defining TR-55 Composite Curve Numbers (8:20)
  4. Defining Runoff Coefficients (9:31)
  5. Defining IDF Curve Data (8:16)
  6. Defining Using Rainfall Designer Storm Events (22:00)
  7. Defining Continuous Simulation Stormwater Model (8:48)

StormNET Recap Videos
mmm. Seven hours and five minutes.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

StormNET vs StormCAD vs InfoWorks


Well, to commemorate a open civil job with an emphasis on drainage, how much drainage can I comfortably recall, and how well do I remember how the popular drainage software packages line up?

30 mins of playing


OK ... I already like it way better.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hot off the Presses


Hrm. Should I or shouldn't I install and start researching and familiarizing myself with the new features?

I had an interesting conversation today on whether improving technical ability is actually a negative or a positive, at least in terms of securing employment.

I think I will get on with learning it as the thought of it being a negative is a little too dispiriting and cynical for me to accept.

I've downloaded the preview guide, and already seen some interesting tweaks and new features.

Power your design projects from concept through completion with AutoCAD® 2011 software. Your ideas can take shape with greater clarity and accuracy than ever before, thanks to new surface modeling tools and point cloud support. New inferred constraints capabilities make working with parametrics easier, and updated productivity tools help you deliver final design documentation faster than ever. And major updates to materials and surfaces help you communicate design intent with the impact you demand. With these and many other new capabilities you’ve been asking for, AutoCAD 2011 helps you take design and documentation further.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Now Thoroughly Familiar and Fed Up ...

with using and solidifying MicroStation knowledge.

Back to Map 3D, I still have 15 days free trial left on my 2010 Release.


It doesn't get any more fun than graphical and tabular database manipulation. Well to my geeky self it's fun.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

V8i Advanced - 11 - Linking Project Data (0:47)


Module Overview
This module presents tools and utilities that allow you to share resources.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge about DGN libraries
  • Some knowledge about HTML files

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Generate HTML pages containing images and links
  • Link elements to web pages and DGN files
  • Use HTML statements to control MicroStation
  • Use Project Explorer and Links Sets to manage collaborative project data

Another video of a group of functions that MicroStation contains, that I've never really had the opportunity to use in a live project environment.

A shame really, as they do have potential to be pretty useful.

V8i Advanced - 10 - Data Management (0:59)


Module Overview
This module presents utilities, tools and techniques that will help manage file content so that designs are accurate and file size is kept to a minimum. You will also learn ways to ensure standards compliance.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge about DGN
  • Knowledge about fences
  • Knowledge about dimensions

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Check file contents against standards
  • Check dimensions for problems
  • Locate and process design data that requires cleanup
  • Graphically compare master and reference files
  • Use file compression options
  • Marge and extract file contents

Just in case I've never been clear to my legion of devoted followers, I love file and data management.

V8i Advanced - 09 - AccuDraw in 3D (0:37)


Module Overview
AccuDraw was designed to work with the 3D design environment. This module advances your use of AccuDraw from 2D to 3D.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's drawing tools
  • Knowledge of Accudraw's interface components
  • Some knowledge about how to use AccuDraw in 2D

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Use AccuDraw in the 3D drawing planes
  • Design using AccuDraw's 3D shortcuts as an aid
  • Use AccuDraw and snaps in 3D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Interview Result


I'm Ove(r)Arup.

Interesting process, if disappointing result.

Monday, March 15, 2010

If only there were a piece of software to manage all these files ...


Connecting People and Information Across Project Teams
ProjectWise is an engineering project team collaboration system which is used to help teams improve quality, reduce rework, and meet project deadlines.

Proven on projects of all shapes and sizes to increase productivity and reduce costs, ProjectWise is unlike competing systems as it is the only one that delivers integrated solutions for content management, content publishing, design review, and asset lifecycle management.

I've seen a number of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDM or DMS) demonstrated and I recognize the advantages but I've never actually seen one operate effectively.

Maybe I should take a look. I have about 10 hours of instructional video to watch. Of course I don't have a copy of the software so I cannot really experiment, but it's better than nothing. Maybe I can complete the movie marathon in 2 or 3 matinees.

Note to Self: Re-watch Live and Maybe Recapture Stream

Design Information Bulletin 78

Back to looking at Caltrans Design Manual and it's hefty list of clauses, supposedly aided by Design Information Bulletin 78.

Actually of course, DIB 78 is very useful especially to a newbie such as myself, so I'm going through the questions and creating an Access database to help generate reports to list any design exceptions required for a particular roadway. I have no real expectation of getting this project completed and road tested, but that isn't really the idea. It's simply to help me learn and fix the key design requirements that a roadway has to meet, and a little to help me keep my Access scalpel suitably sharp.

Basic Yes\No Input Form (No Reference and No Index Link)

V8i Advanced - 08 - Tools and Techniques (1:29)


Module Overview
This module discusses features, settings and additional element types that you can use to enhance your designs, as well as your productivity.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStaion element placement, modification, and viewing tools
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation 2D drafting techniques

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Better manage files using File Open dialog
  • Create and use elements that have special attributes
  • Use point and curve elements
  • Work more effectively with cells
  • Select specific elements
  • Work with clip volumes
  • Browse element information
  • Set the Default Snap Mode as a User Preference

I still love this mad Scottish dude. It might just be the way he says zed.

V8i Advanced - 07 - Custom Line Styles (0:55)


Module Overview
This module explains line style components and custom line style creation. It also provides information about managing and modifying line styles.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Knowledge about cells

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Creat custom line styles
  • Manage line styles
  • Modify lines styles

V8i Advanced - 06 - Working with Tags (0:52)


Module Overview
This module covers the steps required to create, attach, review and change tags. You will complete exercises using files that contain tags and tag data to increase your understanding of the way tags work and enable you to work with them more efficiently.

Module Prerequisites
  • Familiarity with cells, models and references
  • Some understading of how a database works

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Create, attach, review and change tags
  • Create tag libraries and reports
  • Edit cell graphics without deleting and attached tag
  • Create a cell consisting of only a tag
  • Change tag data to text
  • Import tags to, and export them from, a database

My least often used tool. I have to ask myself why I don't use it more often, it cannot simply be because its never been standards procedure with the places I've worked.

V8i Advanced - 05 - Annotation (1:43)


Module Overview
When you enable the annotation scale lock and place elements that respect annotation scale, these elements will scale automatically based upon the scale of the model in which they are placed. This module discusses how annotation scale applies to different elements and presents methods for applying and modifying annotation scale. It also presents tools and techniques for annotating designs.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Familiarity with MicroStation's text and dimensioning tools
  • knowledge about models

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Apply annotation scale to cells, text or dimensions
  • Change a model's annotation scale
  • Alter the annotation scale status of elements
  • Change the annotation scale of specific elements
  • Use the text editor to add tabs, indents, symbols and fields
  • Remap text styles
  • Use XYZ text tools
  • Work with dimensions more efficiently

Again, not anything I didn't know already but a good refresher since I've been spending a lot of time in 3D lately, and of course everybody knows that 2D is the future.

Every release and the text editors get more like word processors, which would be great if the users knew anything about word processing software.

Aside, c'mon people, Microsoft Word, text styles are not rocket surgery. Switch on your formatting options and use or if you have to create styles as you progress, at the end of your session, voila, tables of contents, indexes, lists of figures, footnotes, document map, in-document navigation, etc etc etc. Hundreds of reasons why you would use text styles.

Same for drafting in MicroStation, create a style, use that style, create another style, use that style, add your annotation content, then modify the styles to make it look conform to the standards. As far as I have ever been taught, that's the work flow, and it works every time.


Any design file with black space in the ellipse is almost certainly a pretty low quality drawing. It doesn't matter what they are called, as long as annotation is not Style (none).

Sunday, March 14, 2010

V8i Advanced - 04 - Grouping Elements Together (1:08)


Module Overview
Creating a cell is a formal way to associate a number of elements. This module discusses different methods for grouping elements in more casual relationships.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Knowledge about basic MicroStation element placement, modification, and viewing tools
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation 2D Drafting techniques.

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Work with Levels
  • Work with Graphic groups
  • Work with Named groups
  • Work with Complex chains and shapes
  • Work with Groups

Another of my favorite underused series of commands, features and attributes that can be used to manipulate and control design elements. Same goes even more for AutoCAD, I'm shocked by the number of users who don't even know what PICKADD is. Hah.

Also, I could never understand the objection to using the level filtering tools of MicroStation (and AutoCAD), easily one of the most powerful and labor saving tools in complex design (and drawing) files.

V8i Advanced - 03 - Working with Cells (0:38)


Module Overview
Cells can represent complex elements that you use regularly in your designs. Rather than redraw them each times, you can save them in a cell library to recall for repeated use. This module discusses how to create and maintain them.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Knowledge about basic MicroStation tools
  • Knowledge about models
  • Knowledge about cell placement

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Create a cell library
  • Create an edit cells
  • Create annotation scale
  • Access the cells that you need
  • Create a cell index
  • Create an HTML page from a cell library

Finally some useful cell information from the guys at Bentley, I was disappointed with their essential guide to cells which should have been more appropriately called absolutely basic guide to cells.

In my various travels, and my various positions, having the opportunity to meet many users or different levels of ability, their use and abuse of cells and blocks has always been the thing that I found difficulty in explaining.

In general, when a drafter\designer is not using a vertical product InRoads, Civil3D, TriForma, Architecture or whatever it might be, whenever a vanilla base product is being used, the number of elements in the file which are not cells or blocks is the most obvious clue to the level of expertise of the user.

Less ability can be directly derived from designs and drawings with fewer cells and blocks.

And moreover, the inability of a user to understand why this is a truism, is sure evidence that that user will never truly be a advanced user.

V8i Advanced - 02 - Design File Settings (0:28)


Module Overview
This module explains the settings that are saved in DGN files as well as personal user preferences that you set yourself.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of basic MicroStation commands and procedures
  • Knowledge about models

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Understand and set settings that are saed in th DGN file
  • Understand and set user preferences
  • Manage user preferences

I know that I'm supposed to be adding either a summary of the information included in this module or at least some sort of witty commentary on it, but I cannot. It's Alan going through the design file settings tab by tab and pretty much reading off what you could read for yourself if you open the help file. And let's face it the only setting that really counts are those under Working Units.

I think demonstrations like this one would be far more useful were the instructors to change some of the settings and then show the user the effects and explain any significant advantage in doing something one way or the other.

Just an observation.

Friday, March 12, 2010

V8i Essentials - 12 - Design Labs (0:34)


Module Overview
In this module, you will become familiar with the options that help you quickly produce quality printed output.

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating systems

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Control the printable area of a model
  • Determine the print scale, paper size, and other variables
  • Produce quality printed output, images, or PDFs

V8i Essentials - 11 - Creating Printed Output (1:00)


Module Overview
In this module, you will become familiar with the options that help you quickly produce quality printed output.

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating systems

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Control the printable area of a model
  • Determine the print scale, paper size, and other variables
  • Produce quality printed output, images, or PDFs

Thursday, March 11, 2010

V8i Essentials - 10 - Using Project Data (0:40)


Module Overview
In this module, you will use Project Explorer to navigate the data that is part of a project

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating systems

Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
  • Use Project Explorer to navigate project data

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

V8i Essentials - 09 - Organizing Design Data (1:47)


Module Overview
In this module, you will learn to use the data in other files for reference.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about MicroStation tool usage
  • An understanding of the way an overlay system works

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Attach and control reference information
  • Create and use modules
  • Attach and control images with Raster Manager

V8i Essentials - 08 - Annotating Designs (2:21)


Module Overview
MicroStation has variety of tools with which you can annotate the geometry in your designs. You can pace single or multi line text, dimensions, and revision clouds. This module will help you understand how to annotate existing designs, use many of MicroStation's annotation tools, and comply with text and dimension standards.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about element attributes
  • Knowledge about MicroStation tool usage

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Set text attributes
  • Use text tools to place text
  • Correctly dimension elements
  • Place revision clouds
  • Add text containing informative fields

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

V8i Essentials - 07 - Modifying Existing Elements (1:40)


Module Overview
This modules explains how to use MicroStation's modification tools to edit existing geometry accurately.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about element attributes
  • Knowledge about MicroStation tool usage

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Modifying existing element properties
  • Change element attributes

V8i Essentials - 06 - Working with Existing Elements (2:31)


Module Overview
Existing elements often need to be modified. You may need to move or copy them, or you may need to extend or trim. MicroStation provides many tools to help you manipulate and modify exiting elements. You can group multiple elements for manipulation and modification.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about element attributes
  • Knowledge about MicroStation tool usage

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Use manipulation and modification tools to change a design
  • Use Element Selection to work with multiple elements and obtain information about those elements
  • Make measurements
  • Use patterns to add definition to elements

V8i Essentials - 05 - Element Creation Tools (2:40)


Module Overview
This module presents frequently used element creation tools and provides instructions for their use when adding elements to your designs.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about element attributes

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Add elements to designs
  • Determine which tool is best for a particular task
  • Apply knowledge about familiar tools to new tools

Monday, March 8, 2010

V8i Essentials - 04 - Designing with MicroStation (1:59)


Module Overview
Often, design work requires you to make changes to existing designs. The note indicating how to change these designs are often refereed to as redlines. Redlining can include adding new elements, or changing the appearance or location of existing ones.
This module considers options and settings that you need to know about in order to create designs, change them, and manage files.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw

Module Objectives
  • After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Set and change element attributes
  • Set file-wide settings
  • Undo and redo operations
  • Compress files

V8i Essentials - 03 - Precision Input using AccuDraw (1:48)


Module Overview
Accudraw is more than a precise way to input data. It lets you produce complex geometry quickly in 2D and 3D.

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Draw with more accuracy and speed
  • Use AccuDraw shortcuts and interface components
  • Use the calculator to increase design accuracy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

V8i Essentials - 02 - Working with Views (1:22)


Module Overview
Microstation's view windows look much like those in other applications. However, from an operational standpoint, MicroStation's views cannot really be compared to view ports in other applications. They are fundamentally different in their approach to displaying graphics. In other applications, the paper is mover under the view. In MicroStation, the views move over the paper.

Another difference is that you can have as many as eight windows open at one time, in one file. Although these views are independent of one another, they allow you to work seamlessly between them. This chapter presents tools and techniques for working with multiple views.

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system
  • Knowledge about MicroStation's interface

Module Objectives
After completing this module you will be able to:
  • Open and close view windows
  • Control the content of a view window
  • Work with multiple views
  • Create and save view groups
  • Control view attributes
  • Create saved views

V8i Essentials - 01 - Working with Microstation (1:27)


Module Overview
This module will help a new MicroStation user become familiar with the tools and features found in the MicroStation design environment.

Module Prerequisites
  • Fundamental knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Identify features in the MicroStation's interface
  • Use basic mouse functions with MicroStation
  • Create new files and open existing files
  • Save file settings
  • End a Micrstation session

I seem to have inconveniently misplaced the datasets and hardcopy of the instructions for the course but I don't think they are necessary for re-watching the videos. As I recall, the instructor goes through all of the commands and features quite slowly and I think I can pretty much find any existing dgn, or quickly knock up a new dgn to work on.

I'll say again regarding the MicroStation interface, c'mon guys hurry up and catch up with context sensitive ribbon panels, I know you love your modeless dialogs but they're filling up my entire screen. (And obviously I'm too cheap to buy a second monitor).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Recap - Microstation V8i Essentials with the Essential Andy Robertson


Course Description
This course is designed to teach a 2D production draftsperson how to use MicroStation software to create quality designs. You will learn how to use MicroStation's tools and features to create designs, manipulate and modify elements, assemble project data, and print.

I'd been meaning to re-watch all of the V8i Essentials with Andy, I'm pretty sure I know most of them, but here goes.


Wow, I had completely forgotten what a cool accent our boy Andy has?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Map 3D: Using Features


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yes We Can


I've noticed there has been a significant uptick in firms looking for engineers with rail design experience. I've been involved with a few projects with rail design elements though none with specifically new rail track, rail track realignment or rail track modification.

Of course, I know that Bentley has developed it's InRail Suite and MXRail Suite, and now somewhat combined them to produce its Rail Track product. Well since I know InRoads it makes sense that add some rail design familiarity in this new climate.

I've had this copy of InRail and InRail Suite on my machine for some time and used it on and off to the point that I know the basic tips and tricks bit its still not second nature the way that InRoads is so it couldn't hurt to recap, watch some instructional video and samples and then have a go at applying Caltrain Design Standards to both InRail and Civil 3D.

Revision - Microstation


The Software Foundation for Infrastructure Design
MicroStation V8i is used by engineers, architects, GIS professionals, constructors, and owner operators to design, model, visualize, document, map, and sustain infrastructure projects.

MicroStation is their preferred software foundation, because it delivers an integrated and proven suite of intuitive, interactive, and highly interoperable capabilities to the desktop.

Time for a little practice to cement my familiarity with V8 and XM.

Reminder: Have to track down some kind of trial version of V8i.

I have hundreds of hours of instructional demonstration video of Microstation and Microstation Vertical Products, all I need to do is watch them, practice a little more the exercises and recover the skills I had before my little absence.

And when I say hundreds of hours, I mean h u n d r e d s of hours.

Map 3D: COGO, Survey and Topology


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Map 3D: Source Drawing, Import, Export and Save-Back


The database functions are never fun if the program simply declares "no". No you cannot connect to the database, here is an icon, in the bottom right hand side is a superimposed red x, it means no.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Map3D: Interface, Drawing Cleanup Attributes and Coordinate Systems


No real changes to how I remember the drawing cleanup wizard, and that makes sense since it works pretty damn well, in fact often too well.

Actually I don't really see any additional features in this area of the software at least since 2007. I guess it wasn't broke.

Map 3D 2010


Being unemployed does have one advantage, you do get to try new stuff.

I'm pretty comfortable with using AutoCAD Map at least up to 2007, and I know that the software is improving as the user base is expanding, and of course ArcGIS is still outside the budget of all but the professional planners offices. I'm probably not about to be employed as a planner any time soon, so, the people I'm likely to be working with and competing against are likely to have a passing familiarity with Map.

Therefore all I need to be is better and cheaper than them.

So my latest challenge, learn AutoCAD Map better than anybody else I know.