Monday, March 8, 2010

V8i Essentials - 04 - Designing with MicroStation (1:59)


Module Overview
Often, design work requires you to make changes to existing designs. The note indicating how to change these designs are often refereed to as redlines. Redlining can include adding new elements, or changing the appearance or location of existing ones.
This module considers options and settings that you need to know about in order to create designs, change them, and manage files.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw

Module Objectives
  • After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Set and change element attributes
  • Set file-wide settings
  • Undo and redo operations
  • Compress files

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