Wednesday, March 10, 2010

V8i Essentials - 08 - Annotating Designs (2:21)


Module Overview
MicroStation has variety of tools with which you can annotate the geometry in your designs. You can pace single or multi line text, dimensions, and revision clouds. This module will help you understand how to annotate existing designs, use many of MicroStation's annotation tools, and comply with text and dimension standards.

Module Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of MicroStation's interface
  • Some knowledge about MicroStation design elements
  • Knowledge about viewing in MicroStation
  • Knowledge about AccuDraw
  • Knowledge about element attributes
  • Knowledge about MicroStation tool usage

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Set text attributes
  • Use text tools to place text
  • Correctly dimension elements
  • Place revision clouds
  • Add text containing informative fields

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